      And here you are in another of the self-promoting web pages. But then like any other warm host , i would like u to go thru the contents of this poorly maintained page. This may get updated weekly - if u r lucky [ but very unlikely ! ]. So i advice you to visit this page when you are feeling atmost bored, totally paranoid and having illusions that the whole world is out to get you. I have taken PAINS [ of one day ], to divide this page into sections which the interested person can browse through. This is a quite deviation from the earlier page design. Hope there would be more attractions to add onto the current item list. Have a nice day.

Kaakkans couple blessed with Baby Boy Rihaan !!

AG & Appu's 3rd ..or err 4th...or 5th... marriage done
About poor me :  about my interests,  my life ...
Pics  Section:  some of my work, this will get updated quite frequently ...
Linux  Section:  Me no funda in LINUX, but i can tell u what are all the utilities. From Music to Word doc.
Dishk  Section:   Gang of "THE ... ".
NEWZ da LATESZ :  Did u know that  .....
GOAL  GOAL:   Clippings from the goals. [ linof Ahoy !! ]

My FAVs....:   Santhosh's Pick for the month
   When you are finished with going through the page, Pls send in your valuable comments, brick-bats and all the swears
to this address : santhosh_kumar_d@yahoo.com